Thursday, 30 December 2010

HAPPY NEW YEAR for 2011!

Hi All,
Just like to wish you all a very Happy and Peaceful New Year!
Thanks to all who have helped at the club and shows over 2010, your help is much appreciated. I look forward to a better 2011, and hope the club continues to flourish with the very many skilled modellers of all interests within our ranks.
As a reminder.............................

January Meeting will take place on .................................


10th JANUARY 2011


which is a week later than normal. We shall have our Pie and Pea Supper with Quiz Night at this meeting from December, so get your thinking Caps on, it should be fun!


See you there!



Sunday, 26 December 2010

Lost Betty

Guess what Santa brought me for Christmas?

A Tamiya "Betty" in 1/48 scale!!!!

Thank you very much Santa and my wonderful family.

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Saturday, 25 December 2010


Hi All,
Just like to wish everybody and their nearest and dearests, a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!
All the best for 2011!

Friday, 24 December 2010

Merry Christmas

Just want to wish a Merry Christmas to everyone. It's been a great year for the club. Great company, great models. Looking forward to next year.

All the best to everyone. Hopefully see you all at the January meeting.


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Friday, 3 December 2010

Christmas Pie and Pea Supper 6th December 2010........... POSTPONED

Hi All,
Since I posted the question as regard to possibly postponing  the Pie and Pea Supper + Quiz night on the 6th December 2010, the weather has not improved significantly, and the forecast over the next few days indicate it is not going to improve. Also members who have contacted me, have expressed either a definate postponement, or happy to go with the majority decision. The majority is to postpone.
Therefore reluctantly we have decided to postpone the Quiz night with Pie and Peas where patners and guests are invited until the 10 January 2011, when we hope the weather conditions will be more conducive to travel.
However some members who live near to the club venue have expressed a desire to have a meeting/social night with models on the 6th December 2010, therefore this type of meeting will go ahead for those who can get to it safely.
So to summerize, there will be NO  Quiz night or Pie and Pea Supper on the 6th December 2010
There will be a meeting/social night for members only on the 6th December 2010, if they can get there safely.
The next meeting has been moved until 10 January 2011, where we shall again attempt to hold our Quiz Night and Pie and Peas Supper with guests.
Full details will follow in the newsletter on the website forum.
Any Questions please contact me either by phoning or via website.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Adverse Weather Implications for December Meeting (Quiz + Pie & Pea Supper) Night.

Hi All,
Due to the severe Adverse Weather conditions that are prevailing at the moment, it maybe that we may have to cancel the Quiz Night with Pie and Pea Supper for our December Meeting on the 6th December 2010.
The reasons are obvious, and safety of members and their partners must be considered above all else. A decision will be made about this meeting by Friday evening 3rd December 2010.
We are considering that we may still hold some form of meeting for the local members who can make it to the club, but realise that it may be a reduced attendance affair especially if the weather and road conditions do not improve significantly. I am still awaiting some feedback from members as to their views to the matter, hence the Friday deadline.
It may be that the weather could improve after the deadline and decision has been passed, but to be fair to our host John, we must give him as much notice as possible of our intentions and decisions.

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Telford Model Show 2010

Please check out the selection of photographs from this year's IPMS Scale Model World show at Telford

Click on the following Link to go straight to the photographs


Monday, 15 November 2010

Thanks to All Members at Telford.

Hi All,
Just to say a big thankyou to all the members who attended this years Scale Modelworld 2010, and helping making the club dispaly a great affair!
I think our stand stood shoulder to shoulder with the best, and got some greatly deserved attention, witha great many photo's being taken of Mikes Viking, Adrians Shin-Meiwa Floatplane, Andys Do-335 Nightfighter and also, Jims 737, and John's great Typhoonand last but not least Bill's early Spitfire!, brilliant stuff guys , well done.
It was a great weekend, one I thoroughly enjoyed, with great friends, lots to see, lots to buy!. I always come back with idea's buzzing around my head, of next years projects, I reckon the others do also.
Look at the club photo gallery for more interesting pics of our stand and other great models seen at the show.
Thanks again to all,

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Telford 2010 - part 6

The show is nearly coming to an end, only 1 hour left. Panic buying has started.

Everyone is a little weary now but still smiling.

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Telford 2010 - part 4

Well Saturday was a very busy day. I think everyone agreed that business was good. Lots of packed carrier bags leaving the show.

The chaps had a great pub meal last night. A few whiskies finished of the evening nicely.

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Saturday, 13 November 2010

Telford 2010 - part 3

First day of the show is going well. It seems busy than last year so far.

You can even have your photograph taken in a spitfire!

Telford 2010 - part 2

A hearty pub meal was enjoyed by the chaps last night. There was even a few beers consumed and much talk of models etc in anticipation of the following day.

This picture of one of the burgers doesn't really show the size, but believe me it was enormous.

Friday, 12 November 2010

Telford 2010

Well the boys have made it down in one piece. The weather has been kind and the club tables are ready for models.

Watch this space for more show news.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Telford Blogging

Don't forget to check out the club website this weekend as we will be blogging from the Telford show.

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Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Photo Etch Tool

Been using a lot of photo etch parts recently but I don't have a tool for the job. I normally use the edge of a steel ruler but it isn't a perfect solution.

I have looked at the etch mate tools but they are usually upwards of £40.

So I was pleased to find this relatively cheap tool from airwaves on Hannants the other day. It was only a few pounds and while it's not a full blown etch tool it looks like it will be good for simple bends etc.

Not used it yet but I will let you know how I get on.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Ively Rd,Farnborough,United Kingdom

Friday, 24 September 2010

New Club Forum

I have been wanting to update the club forum for a while. We are currently using an old peice of software which is pretty limited.
Just recently I came across a new fourm software package which has loads of good features including the ability to add attachments to posts etc.

I have put the new forum up on the website but it is not yet linked to the main site, the only way to get to it is to go to the following web address...

NOTE: You will have to register with this forum, it will not accept your current forum user name and password.

Once registered you can try it out....

Please have a look and let me know what you think. If we all agree it is ok I can replace the existing forum with this new.


Monday, 13 September 2010

Airfix C15 motorcycle

Eventually managed to get back to doing some modelling.
Have just finished the Airfix BSA C15 250cc motorcycle.
No scale stated on the box but it looks about 1:12.

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

1st attempt

hi all my 1st attempt a a blog so here goes,1st of all thanks to mike and kevin for their time and help.please excuse picture quality as my camera is'nt that brilliant but hey ho.these are all work in progress.
A scratch built russian mortar pit which will also include zvesda 1/35 russian mortar crew when complete
B revell union course 1930s racing car  not sure of scale
C monogram focke wulf in 1/72
D my first resin kit a 1/35 german machine gunner.

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Member Demonstration

Hi All, this is just a test for Geoff, to use blogger with pictures

Saturday, 28 August 2010

Model Railway Show 28th August 2010 .

Hi All,
Just got back from the Railway Show, Bridlington Railway Station, and would like to share these photo's with you.
A good day was had by all, and a very well attended show by the members. Thanks to all who attended, and who helped put on such a great display.
The Annual Trophy Winner was Paul Lamb, with his WW.II Diorama, with 55 votes, Well Done to Paul!, a recent newcomer to the club.
A further detailed report will follow in the club newsletter, (Andy, please take note, I wrote these words). keep your eyes peeled!
Thanks to all who attended and contributed to the day.

Thursday, 5 August 2010

A Spanner in the works

The next competition theme is titled "A Spanner in the works"

Make of it what you will
How about a mechanic at work
A spanner or tool on your offering
Or a subject that was never successful due to the above.
Hope this helps
Get modelling

Friday, 2 July 2010

Help for Heroes Spitfires

If you frequent the online auction site eBay you may have noticed a few 1/48th scale Airfix Spitfires that are up for auction. These are all kits made by celebrities in aid of Help for Heroes. Each kit is signed by the celebrity.

So if you fancy helping the charity go and have a look on eBay. I think the auctions end in about 2 days.


Sunday, 27 June 2010

Well done Ripmax

Just wanted to share a good news story with all of you.

In a recent spraying session I managed to break the trigger of my Aztec A470 airbrush, agghhh! I remembered that the airbrush had a lifetime guarantee for the body but I didn't have any paperwork so i wasn't sure where to send it.

I had a lot of helpful suggestions at one of the club meetings and so I contacted Ripmax as advised. They were very helpful and gave me instructions and an address to return the airbrush.

I posted the parcel and then waited. I was a little sceptical that Ripmax would fix my airbrush on behalf of another company without any paperwork showing proof of purchase etc.

I needn't have worried, a few days later the airbrush arrived in perfect working order.

A big thank you to Ripmax for their excellent service.


Sunday, 13 June 2010

Something for you to look at.

There does not seem to be much on the blog at the moment.
Here is an unusual police bike for you to look at.

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Maiden flight of FW190

On this day (1st of June) in 1939, the FW190 made it's maiden flight

-- Posted from my iPhone

Friday, 28 May 2010

Elvington Model Show, 15 August 2010

Hi Guys,
At Huddersfield, I gave our club as a possible attendee at the Elvington Model Show if it ever came into being.
Well it has, and as a result I have booked us 4 tables + 6 chairs at the show.
Latest interest was 91 tables booked between clubs and traders, so quite a large show it seems.
I am in process of finding out about car parking, exhibitor passes, location at venue, etc. 
Known interested members attending stands at 4 so far.

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Website Model Gallery

I have finished upgrading the club website Model Gallery so it is now available for viewing.

Please accept my apologies if any of the original images have been moved or removed as I have had to re-create the gallery. I do have a backup so if anything is missing, just let me know and I will sort it out.

I have updated some of the other pages so go have a look and let me know what you think.

Thursday, 20 May 2010

Photo Gallery Not Working

I am currently upgrading the website and as a result the Photo Gallery section will not be available for a while. As soon as the upgrade is complete I will let people know

Friday, 14 May 2010

Portable Spray Booth - In Action

Well I have finally got around to using the Portable Spray Booth I mentioned in an earlier post and as promised here is a quick review of how I got on.

I am really pleased with this bit of kit. During a recent spraying session, it appeared to cope well with filtering the spray and fumes from the room, even though it is only passing the fumes through a filter without ducting to the oustide.

At the end of the spray session, the room did still have the odour of paint and thinners etc but there weren't clouds of spray like before.

I have attached a short video clip showing the booth running to try and give you an idea of the noise this thing makes. If the video doesn't show it well, I can say that the booth is fairly quiet.

All in all a great bit of kit for a very reasonable price I think.

Friday, 7 May 2010

Small or what!

Thought that you might like to see this 1/35 R75 type motorcycle that I am in the middle of building.
It is a bit smaller than the others that I built as you can see.
The kit is from Lion Roar and you get two of them.
The motorcycle contains 87 parts including photo etch.
The first photo shows the wheel construction.
The old eyes are suffering.

Saturday, 1 May 2010

The club in print!

Just been reading Scale Aviation Modeller International and there on page 408 is a nice picture of one of the club models at the huddersfield show.

-- Posted from my iPhone

Friday, 30 April 2010

Heller Norton 750 Commando

Just completed this, the odd bit to paint and so on.
Cold not resist showing you it.
It may not make it to the club as its a little delicate so this may be the only view you get of it.

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

nail varnish

Hello Subman .
This is on the blog 'cos I don't know how to get
onto the forum ! . Try computer wipes ( you must
have some ) very good at removing grease
and static . If you have a real problem , I have
some " Plastic Prep " it's supposed to be the
Bees knees , your welcome to try it .
Tony B

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Unidentified Plane

Can anyone identify the aeroplane in this photograph?

-- Posted from my iPhone

Location:E Scar,Flamborough,United Kingdom

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Portable Spray Booth

I don't have the luxury of a permanent modelling space, instead I have to share my workspace with computer equipment used for my day job. This is usually not a great problem as I keep most of the model stuff on a large cutting mat which I can lift out of the way when not in use.

But one thing I have always had a problem with in my shared office/model workshop is spraying models without filling the room and everything in it with over spray and fumes. Up until now I usually had to have the window open to get rid of the fumes, not a very satisfactory solution.

I have looked at spray booths in the past but they seemed large expensive items which didn't fit with my temporary work area, that is until Bill from the model club told me abut the spray booth he had purchased. After listening to his recommendation for the inexpensive portable booth I thought it sounded like just the ticket so the next day I put an order in with ABC Models in Crewe. The booth turned up a few days later and after un boxing the unit I can say my initial impression is very good.

The folded unit is the size of a very small suitcase and it is fairly light to carry (about 3-4kg).
Once folded out, the spray area is perfect for most modelling subjects and it even comes with a turntable.
The fumes are extracted through a filter so no external duct is required, and according to the instructions, it is very quiet to operate.

I haven't used it yet but as soon as I have tested it I will let you know how I get on.

I have included a few pictures of the device for you to have a look at....

Thanks again to Bill for his recommendation.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Photos from the April meeting

Check out a selection of photos from the April club meeting...

The full set can be found on the clubs photo gallery section in the usual place.

Saturday, 27 March 2010

Model Zone deal

I was passing Model Zone in Hull today and just had to pop in for a quick look.

Spotted this deal and thought it might be of interest to the rest of you.

1/48 scale Wellington by Trumpeter for £29.99!

It looked like there were at least a couple of boxes left.

-- Posted from my iPhone

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Yamaha YZR 500cc - 1974

1:9 th scale kit from Italeri.
Excellent kit, nice to build.
Similar one was ridden Agostini in 1975.

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Honda Moped

Here is the latest two wheel model.
It is a Honda Roadpal (NC-50 II).
It is an Imai kit in 1:12 scale and a really nice little model to sit along sit alongside all those large superbikes.