Thursday 4 March 2010

Honda Moped

Here is the latest two wheel model.
It is a Honda Roadpal (NC-50 II).
It is an Imai kit in 1:12 scale and a really nice little model to sit along sit alongside all those large superbikes.


  1. Hi Dave,

    What a pretty little thing it is too!

    How long did it take you to build it, because your turning bikes out like hot cakes!
    The British bike industry could do with you!

    I agree it will compliment the other 'bigger' bikes you have done already. It reminds meofthe old TV adwhere the lady says "Shall we go Shopping?" whilst astride a beastof a bike and her partner on a weeny one like this. Sad aren't I?


  2. I work on a few at once, but I seem to average about one a week or thereabouts.
    Sorry I must stop rushing. Oh by the way I am now a grandfather.
