Hello chaps .
I've just visited the club web-site and admit to being a little confused .
It would seem that some of us are having problems signing our submissions .
Here's what I do for what it's worth . When I've finished writing my message ,
I sign off as though I was signing a letter , here's an example
blah blah blah blah ( end of message ) , now for the clever bit :-
Yours sincereley . Tony Beesting .
if you want to be a clever dick , you can add bits like so .
Yours sincerely . Tony Beesting . Retired precision engineer ,
ex rock-climber , does a bit of modelling frm time to time .
Hope this helps .
Tony . B .
PS Sorry , no pictures worth looking at to send .
well done you Beast.
ReplyDeleteTher will be no stopping me now.