Tuesday 20 October 2009

Yellow / green , yuk !

Bit more progress .
The interior colour is supposed to be zinc-chromate primer ,
I used Tamiya yellow/green but it looked a bit sickly to me
so I threw a bit of light green in to make it look a bit
more , well , green . I suppose to the purists it's wrong
but the photo is taken in artificial light so it is a bit more
 yellow than the pics . Still , who cares . not me .
This is supposed to be a bit of light relief , so it's getting
chucked together with gay abandon . 
Tony . B.


  1. Hi Tony,

    Well it looks like a real aeroplane now! and as to the green/zinc chromate yellow it looks okay to me. Colour is always subjective, the thing is it looks right, if it does 'that'll do!'

    How much was the kit?, it look like you get a bit for your money.

    Look forward to next instalment, in the YUK GREEN SAGA.............

